University of Calabria
University of Calabria
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Training school

Advances in Data Science and AI for Finance: Bridging Academia and Industry

Organized by: COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) FinAI - Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance and Master Programme in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, funded by the Ministry of University and Research in Italy.

Where: University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy,

When: 3-4 June, 2024

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Two-day training school to position young talents at the centre of a stimulating exchange of ideas between academic experts and forward-thinking companies and institutions operating in finance.

The event is designed to create an innovative dialogue between academia and companies active in economics and finance. Together, companies and scientific community will discuss cutting-edge methodologies and tangible business needs, unlocking the full potential of data science and AI tools.  

All the attendees have the invaluable opportunity to absorb insights from both the academic realm and the dynamic world of business. This dual perspective not only enriches participants with theoretical knowledge but also equips them with practical tools adopted in real-life applications.

Students enrolled in the postgraduate program in AI & DS, PhD students, young researchers and junior data scientists eager to enhance their skills, delving into advanced AI & DS studies, the broader academic scientific community, AI & DS practitioners keen on exploring applications in finance and economics, experts and non-experts in data science and AI companies, public and private institutions aiming to support governmental objectives offered by technological transformation.

Scientific Committee:

Barbara Będowska-Sójka (PL),
Belma Ozturkkal (TR),
Claudia Tarantola (IT),
Codruta Mare (RO),
Eleftheria Paschalidou (GR),
Thomaidis Nikolaos (GR),
Osterrieder Jörg Robert (CH).

Organizing Committee:

Sabrina Giordano (IT)
Alessandra Tanda (IT)
Claudia Tarantola (IT)
Vanessa Verrina (IT)

Science Communication Plan Committee:

Liana Stanca (Romania)
Eleftheria Paschalidou (Greece)
Cristina Ortiz (Spain)

The Advances in Data Science and AI for Finance: Bridging Academia and Industry Training School will be held at the Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance "Giovanni Anania" (DESF) of the University of Calabria, located in Cubo 0/C and Cubo 1/C (map to get to the location from the bus station).

DESF is in the Campus of Arcavacata (click here to download the official map).

The University of Calabria can be reached in different ways (click here to see the Campus on Google Maps):

  • By car - take the motorway Autostrada A2 Salerno-Reggio Calabria --> Exit Rende - Cosenza Nord and follow the road signs to Università - Paola.
  • By train - the railway station of Castiglione Cosentino (3 km away from the Campus) is the closest one, connected to the railway terminals of Paola (railway along the Tyrrhenian sea) and Sibari (railway along the Ionian sea); once you leave the railway station, walk along Via Edison for about 100 meters, then cross Via L. Da Vinci and there you will find a bus shelter where the buses heading to the University stop.
  • By plane - Lamezia Terme Airport is the closest airport and is connected to the cities of Cosenza and Rende by bus service. Detailed information on how to reach Rende/University of Calabria or Cosenza (Bus Station) can be obtained by visiting the website Alternatively, see below:

    Another option to consider instead of flying directly to Lamezia Terme Airport is to choose a different airport and then transfer to Lamezia or travel to Cosenza via train or bus. Alternative airports include Naples, Bari, Rome, and Milan.
  • Local Public Transportation - The Campus is served by Consorzio Autolinee lines 136 and 138 from Rende and Cosenza. Buses in Cosenza leave from the bus station located in Piazza Autostazione and make an approximately half-hour journey to the university. The campus bus terminal is located near CUBO 0B. Lines to Rende start from gates 1 and 2, lines to Cosenza start from gates 2 and 3. Tickets may be bought at the box office close to the terminal. Please, visit for more info.

    We also suggest visiting the Rome2Rio website to plan your journey to UniCal. This platform allows you to compare various transportation options based on factors like cost, travel time, and other relevant information, helping you find the most suitable solution for your needs.

Accommodations are located in both Cosenza and Rende. Cosenza is the main city and the centre is served by restaurants and has historical attractions. The travel time from the Cosenza bus station to the university is about half an hour. Accommodation in Rende is within walking distance of the university but the area is less historical and cultural and less well served than the centre of Cosenza.

BV President
Domus Grand
Villa Fabiano Palace
Hotel San
B&B Rossini
Italiana Hotels
Dimora de Matera Luxury
Palace Eight - Suites & SpaCosenzaPalace Eight - Suites & Spa 
Dimora dei marchi b&bCosenzaDimora dei marchi b&b
Dimora Storica Giostra Vecchia - Palazzo Grisolia 1809CosenzaDimora Storica Giostra Vecchia - Palazzo Grisolia 1809, Cosenza
KOSENTIA Bed and Breakfast - via Cesare Marini 9CosenzaKOSENTIA Bed and Breakfast - via Cesare Marini 9
Brutia Mom&SonCosenzaBrutia Mom&Son
Le Affacciate Bruzie Home Guest HouseCosenzaLe Affacciate Bruzie Home Guest House
Via Piave 82CosenzaVia Piave 82
Via Rivocati 108CosenzaVia Rivocati 108

June 3
9:00 AM - 9:40 AM: Registration
9:40 AM - 10:10 AM: Opening
10:10 AM - 10:30 AM: Coffee break

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Lecture & Lab

Claudia Tarantola, University of Pavia, Italy

PETROS DELLAPORTAS, University College London, UK & Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

12:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Panel Session

Barbara Będowska-Sójka, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland

ALESSIA PACCAGNINI, University College Dublin, Ireland
Sentiment Analysis In Macroeconomics
ANASTAS DZUROVSKI, University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Macedonia
Ethics In AI: How To Enable Machines To Make Moral Decisions

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Lunch

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Lecture & Lab

Alessandra Tanda, University of Pavia, Italy

JÖRG ROBERT OSTERRIEDER, Institute of Applied Data Science & Finance, Business School, Swiss & University of Twente, Netherlands

4:00 PM - 4:20 PM: Coffee break

4:20 PM - 5:20 PM: Panel Session

Albulena Shala, University of Prishtina, Kosovo

GALENA PISONI, Université Cote d’Azur, France
AI-Based Solution For Sustainability Tracing For Companies
BEKIR CETINTAV, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey
Explainable AI in Fintech Applications

5:20 PM - 5.40 PM: Closing
June 4 - Morning Sessions

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Companies

Sabrina Giordano, University of Calabria, Italy

PIERPAOLO CIMIRRO, Data Innovation Senior Manager, CERVED
ROSARIO MOSCATO, Chief Technology Officer, LIVETECH
ENRICO BAGLI, Data Science Senior Manager Advanced Analytics Business Line, CRIF

11 AM - 11.20 AM: Coffee break

11:20 AM - 1:00 PM: Institutions

EMANUELA RINALDI, University of Milan-Bicocca, Head of National Observatory for Economic and Financial Education
DANIELA MARCONI, Head of the Young People, Analysis and Surveys Division of the Financial Education Directorate, Bank of Italy
MARCO DI ZIO, Head of Service Integrated Data and Process Architecture, National Institute of Statistics

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Lunch
June 4 - Afternoon Session

2:30 PM - 4:30 PM: Round Table

Codruta Mare, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania

Guest Institutions and Companies at the morning sessions will be hosted for the round table.

They will be joined by:

RAFFAELLA CALABRESE, University of Edinburgh (Business School), Director of the Fintech PhD Programme, Programme Director for the MSc in Banking Innovation and Risk Analytics
GIANLUIGI GRECO, University of Calabria, President of the Italian Artificial Intelligence Association (AIxIA)

Experts from partner companies of the Master in AI&DS

4:30 PM - 4:50 PM: Closing & Coffee
Social event


We are thrilled to announce the successful results of our training school, an event that brought together a diverse and talented group of academic, company and institutional experts from Italy and around Europe.

Here are the highlights of our remarkable journey:

  • Participants: More than 100 enthusiastic attendees, including 60 Trainees (Master AI&DS, PhD students, Junior and Senior Data Scientists, Researchers and Professors), were guided by 25 experienced Trainers, Chairs, and Committee members. Additionally, 15 dedicated Students and Staff contributed to the vibrant learning environment.

  • Countries: We had the honour of hosting participants from 14 different countries, showcasing a truly international collaboration. The group included representatives from Italy, Poland, Turkey, UK, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands, Ireland, France, Kosovo, and Germany.

  • Academic and Professional Excellence: Our training school involved 16 prestigious universities and 3 renowned institutions (Bank of Italy, ISTAT, ONEF). The engagement from the academic community was complemented by the participation of 5 innovative companies (CRIF, CERVED, LIVE TECH, AC TECHNOLOGY, VT SOLUTIONS), bridging the gap between academia and industry.

This event not only fostered knowledge sharing and skill development but also strengthened international collaboration and networking. We are proud of the achievements of all participants and extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this training school a resounding success.

Logo Ministeriale e Logo UniCal
Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance
Master Programme in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Prof.ssa Sabrina Giordano
Francesca Bozzo
351 5640389

In evidence

Meetup - Advances in Data Science and AI for Finance Linkedin - Post di COST Fintech and Artificial Intelligence in Finance